Videos tagged with Nita A. Farahany

  • Join Nita A. Farahany (JD/MA '04, Ph.D. '06), Robinson O. Everett Professor of Law & Philosophy, for a celebration of her new book, The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology. The new title explores important questions of law, ethics, privacy, and freedom that arise from rapid advances in neuroscience and technology. David Hoffman (JD '93), Steed Family Professor of the Practice of Cybersecurity Policy at the Sanford School of Public Policy, moderates the discussion. Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean

  • In this episode of The Duke Law Podcast, Professor Nita Farahany, director of Duke Science & Society, discusses her new book, "The Battle for Your Brain," and her argument for a codified right to cognitive liberty with Clinical Professor Jeff Ward, director of the Duke Center on Law & Tech.

  • Since 1995 the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) has hosted an annual national security law conference in Durham, N.C. The conference promotes education and discussion of the complex and diverse issues involved in national security, such as the legal and policy implications of counterterrorism operations at home and abroad, the international law of armed conflict, the impact of security issues on international business endeavors, and the ethical issues of the practice of national security law.

  • Introductory Remarks
    Stuart Benjamin, Duke Law School, The Center for Innovation Policy at Duke Law

    Nita Farahany, Duke Law School, Duke Initiative for Science & Society

    Jeff Ward, Duke Law School, Duke Center on Law & Technology

    Jonathan Wiener, Duke Law School, Rethinking Regulation Program at The Kenan Institute for Ethics

  • Moderators: Nita Farahany, Duke Law School, Duke Initiative for Science & Society
    Arti Rai, Duke Law School, The Center for Innovation Policy at Duke Law

    Sameer Antani, NIH/U.S. National Library of Medicine
    John Daley, IBM Watson Health
    Julie Anderson Daughtry, IBM Watson Health
    Nicholson Price, Michigan Law

  • Duke Law Prof. Nita Farahany discusses "The Legal and Ethical Complexity of Developing 'Super Soldiers'" during Duke's Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) annual national security conference, held on February 23–24, 2018 at Duke Law School.

    The 2018 LENS conference was titled "Complexity and Security: The Role of the Law?"

  • Speaker: Professor Nita Farahany, Duke Law School

    Duke's Center on Law, Ethics and National Security (LENS) held its annual national security conference on February 26-27, 2016 at Duke Law School. The 2016 LENS conference, titled "Hybrid Threats = Hybrid Law?", will examine how technology, science, and societal changes have affected the nature of war, created new fields of conflict, and necessitated new ways of thinking about the legal architecture affecting 21st century threats.

  • Session 1: Behavioral Genetics in Context Featuring Brent Garland and Owen Jones.

    Recorded on April 08, 2005.

    Panel titled: Behavioral Genetics in Context.

    Conference title: Law & Contemporary Problems Symposium: The Impact of Behavioral Genetics on Criminal Law (Law and Contemporary Problems Symposium (2005))

    Appearing: Katherine T. Bartlett (Duke Law School), Nita A. Farahany (Duke Law School), introductions; Owen Jones (Vanderbilt University), Brent Garland (Senior Program Associate, AAAS), speakers.

  • Session 3: Behavioral Genetics and Criminal Responsibility Featuring Stephen Morse

    Recorded on April 08, 2005.

    Panel titled: Behaviorial Genetics & Criminal Responsibility.

    Conference title: Law & Contemporary Problems Symposium: The Impact of Behavioral Genetics on Criminal Law (Law and Contemporary Problems Symposium (2005))

    Appearing: Nita A. Farahany (Duke Law School), introducer; Stephen Morse (Professor-University of Pennsylvania) speaker.